You can find the call number of this company from the Yellow Book.
互联网Find the particular item you are looking for. Jot down the call number.
找到您要借的那本书或杂志的目录卡, 记下它的索书号码.
互联网When you check out, please call number 32 and we'll help you with your luggage immediately.
如果您要离店, 请打电话32,我们会马上帮您运送行李的.
互联网All right. I'll make a call . Number in Bombay is 257489.
好的, 我要打通电话到孟买,电话号码是257489.
互联网Jot down the call number.
互联网The books are shelved by call number.
互联网Wait! Did he just call number five?
等等, 他是不是叫五号?
互联网Call number to identify the management of the library collection is of great significance.
互联网US Localization : It can show the location of the call number.
互联网The last line of input file contains call number - 1 .
输入文件的最后一行以 -1 作为结束标志.
互联网This paper introduces an automatic recognition scheme for the call number image.
互联网Call number positioning fast memory method.
互联网What is the call number of that book?
互联网When you check out , please call number 7937 and we'll help you with your luggage immediately.
如果您要离店, 请打电话7937,我们会马上帮您运送行李的.
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